Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School

Why should you choose OLOL?

Choosing a school for your child is without doubt one of the biggest and hardest decisions you will make as a parent or carer. You can read everything about a school or chat to people in the community, but nothing beats actually visiting the school and getting a ‘feel’ for the place.

Our school really is a special family. I use the word family because quite simply I see the children in my care as my own. If it isn’t good enough for my own children, it won’t be good enough for the children at Our Lady of Lourdes. If you are interested in finding out more about our amazing school book an appointment with me. Let’s have a cup of tea and a look around school together! Contact details are at the bottom of the page.

So why choose Our Lady of Lourdes?

What Parents and Carers say:

‘A great school, where it is clear children are a priority.’

‘This school is amazing. I speak to friends and tell them that children wait at the gate and run in smiling and laughing every day. I wouldn't believe it either if I didn't see it.’

‘This school makes me want to have more children! This is a happy place. Children are loved and look at all the enrichment stuff they do. Really like Mr McCann a strong leader. but also think everyone that is on the gate duty welcomes us every day.’

‘We sing the praises of the school all the time. A great place moving in the right direction. Love all the treats the school does for the children.’

‘We just can't speak highly enough of the school, especially the amazing Nursery team and the lovely breakfast and after school club staff.’

‘My son feels very safe and excited being in OLOL. I always recommend OLOL to people who have recently moved to the area.’

‘Wonderful family feel at this school’

‘So many of the staff put their heart and soul into their job and provide so much support to both children and parents. They give time (even when they have none to spare) to help and we really do appreciate this, it makes a big difference.’

What the Children say:

‘We are listened to, and I know people really care for me.' 

‘The trips are amazing. I’ve been to London twice this year!’

‘Learning is fun and sometimes we don’t even know we are learning!’

‘When we do well we celebrate our achievements, when we don’t achieve, the teachers celebrate that we have tried hard and this teaches us that trying hard is an achievement.’

‘We are safe and loved and I run into school each day.’

‘We do so much sport it is great! Mr McCann loves putting a trophy in the cabinet!’ 

‘There are so many clubs after school. It is great.’

‘OLOL is the best school!’

olol parentcarer feedback 2024 25.pdf