Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School

Pope Francis CMAT

Live, Love, Learn


Welcome to Our Lady of Lourdes
Catholic Primary School

The children, staff and Governors at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Nursery and Primary School offer you a very warm welcome. My name is Darren McCann and I am the very, very proud headteacher here.

I have been in post since September 2021 and we are now into the academic year 2024-2025! Time flies when you are having fun!

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Kind words &

  • "It was a great decision to pick Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School! Leadership is highly visible, and staff are always welcoming and happy."

    Parent/carer feedback 2024-25
  • "You have cleverly knitted together the messages from your school code of conduct with work on British and Gospel values to create an inclusive, nurturing, Christian ethos that pupils understand and fully support."

    ofsted 2019
  • "Our Lady of Lourdes is a place of welcome. All members of the community are proud to belong to the school family and they live out the school mission ‘Live, Love, Learn’ in their daily lives and interactions. Pupils feel safe and consequently, they are happy and confident. They consistently demonstrate the core values of resilience, tolerance, love and compassion, in school and beyond."

    Archdiocese of Liverpool Section 48 Inspection, 2024
  • "Leadership at all levels is a real strength at Our Lady of Lourdes."

    ofsted 2019
  • "Pupils show care and consideration for others, both in school and more widely. Pupils are encouraged to take on positions of responsibility, such as sitting on the school or eco councils, and are confident that school leaders listen to their views and ideas."

    ofsted 2019
  • "Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary is a great community where respect, kindness, and inclusion are at the heart of everything.”

    Parent/carer feedback 2024-25
  • "Pupils display very positive attitudes to learning. They work well together and take obvious pride in their work, as can be seen in the high standards of presentation in their books and the high-quality, very striking artwork displayed in the corridors."

    ofsted 2019
  • Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary is a welcoming, happy, and safe place with strong Christian values”

    Parent/carer feedback 2024-25
  • "The school is well supported by the parish and pupils benefit from the experience of all members of the community working together to live out the mission in their daily lives. Staff are firmly committed to the Catholic ethos of the school. They are excellent role models, consistently demonstrating the gospel values through their daily interactions with pupils and their families."

    Archdiocese of Liverpool Section 48 Inspection, 2024
  • "Teachers’ subject knowledge in religious education is a strength and this enables them to make skilful use of questioning to secure and extend pupil knowledge."

    Archdiocese of Liverpool Section 48 Inspection, 2024

  • “The leadership team puts their all into making school a positive and enjoyable experience. The enthusiasm is infectious.”

    Parent/carer feedback 2024-25
  • "Inspirational leadership by the head teacher ensures that the community can ‘Live, Love and Learn’ together."

    Archdiocese of Liverpool Section 48 Inspection, 2024


Pope Francis Catholic Multi Academy Trust

Pope Francis Catholic Multi Academy Trust was established by the Archbishop of Liverpool to provide the very best Catholic education for the young people in our schools.

Enabling schools, aspiration and faith to flourish by ‘Uplifting Hearts, Inspiring Minds’.

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