Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School

Extended School Provision

Our Extended Schools provision is a non-profit service which offers a Breakfast Club and After-School Club for children who attend Our Lady of Lourdes from Nursery age to Year 6.

The clubs operate 5 days a week, Monday – Friday (term-time only).

As of September 2024, opening times and costs are as follows:

Breakfast Club: 07:45 – 08:45 £5 per session*
After School Club: 15:15 – 18:00  £10 per session*

Breakfast Club

We have a Breakfast Club that is run by our experienced and dedicated OLOL staff and takes place every school weekday morning between 07:45 and 08:45am.

The cost per morning is £5, this includes a breakfast menu (please see below).

When the children have eaten breakfast, they have a choice of exciting games and fun activities to play until the start of the school day.


After School Club

Our After School Club operates on each day of the school term except INSET Days and the last day of each full term for children who attend Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School.

This club is also run by our experienced and dedicated OLOL staff, and opening times are from 15:15 to 18:00 Monday to Thursday and 15:15 to 17:30 on Friday. A wide range of action packed and fun activities are available for children to enjoy including, weather permitting, time to play outside.

A healthy snack is provided along with a drink for juice or water. Fresh fruit is also available. Please see our menu below.

Each After School Club session costs £10.

Please take a look at what we get up to on our twitter pages.

EYFS/KS1 twitter @OLOLExtended

KS2 @Ks2Olol


extended school menu june 2023.pdf


For enquiries about availability or to apply for places at our After School Club, please email us at: extendedschools@olol.pfcmat.org


Payment of fees should be made monthly or half-termly in advance.

To ensure that our payment records remain accurate, all payments should be made via the following route:

Online at via School Gateway App (Please see the Manager to arrange registration for this service.) 

*Please note an additional charge may be needed to ensure adequate staffing provision. Please see our Policy for more information.


Extended Schools Policy 2024

Interest form - Breakfast and After School Club 

Extended Schools Leaflet