Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School


Admissions to the school will be determined by the Governing Body. 

Our school’s admissions number (PAN) is 60.

Parents must complete a Local Authority Preference form or apply online via the website below.

Sefton School Admission

The closing date for Primary School Applications is 15th January 2025.

For more information please contact Mrs Dillon in the school office.

Why should you choose Our Lady of Lourdes?

What do parents/carers have to say about Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary?

Reception Admission 

OLOL Admissions Policy 2024-25

OLOL Admissions Policy 2025-26

Admissions Supplementary Faith Form 

Nursery Admissions 

OLOL Nursery Admissions Policy 2024-25


OLOL Nursery Application Form - 3 to 4 Year Olds

SEN Admissions

To apply for a place in our ASD Provision, children must have an EHCP (Educational Health Care Plan) in place supported by the Local Authority and an ASD Diagnosis.

For more information about our ASD Provision look at the Class Pages within our Children section.