Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School

Eco Council

Our school is very proud to have an Eco-School which recognises our commitment to developing strategies that sustain and enhance resources and the environment.

We have just appointed our new 2021/22 Eco-Council Ambassadors for each class and they will be meeting at least once every half term to ensure we raise environmental awareness, improve our school environment and also create financial savings through improving our use of electricity, gas and water throughout the school.

Eco Council


What we have been up to...


As a school we are committed to keeping our local community safe and tidy. First and foremost, this means keeping our school grounds clear of litter. Recently our Eco Councillors from 5C, with a little help from their class mates and Mrs McDermott, went around the KS2 playground and collected any litter they saw. Throughout the school year our other Eco Councillors will be doing the same for both the KS1 and KS2 playgrounds.


As a school we understand the importance of recycling. The Eco Council helps to promote and monitor both our Battery and Pen recycling schemes. If you have any used batteries at home please send them in with your child and their class Eco Councillor will collect them and place them in the recycling bin. Similarly, being part of the Bic Writing Instruments Recycling Programme means if you have finished with any of the below writing instruments these can be brought into school and placed in each year groups recycling bin.

World Environment Day

This term we celebrated our first ‘World Environment Day’ by coming to school wearing an item of green. We learnt all about plastic pollution and what effect it is having on our environment. We did lots of fun activities and created some AMAZING artwork using recycled plastic.

With the money we raised we were able to help marine wildlife being affected by plastic pollution by adopting are very own sea creature.

Eco Silver Award

The Eco Team are pleased to announce that through all our hard work as a school this year we have achieved the Silver Eco-Schools award. Well done to the Eco Team and to all the staff and pupils throughout the school for your help and support.

Wildlife Challenge

Here is the Eco Council receiving their Bronze Wild Challenge Award. We worked together as a school to achieve it.